cannot blame the pharmacist
cheap jerseys My saturday was dedicated to celebrating the 28 years and 364 days my wonderful roommate has been on this earth. I known michele since she was a cute little nine year old with a boy haircut who slept with a stuffed bear named big al. We matured (a little) and lived through crushes from tom cruise and kirk cameron to pimply faced boys with mullets and a fondness for 80s hair bands to those asshole bar boys who say they call and never do. cheap jerseys But I think they out of time already.Our region is remarkably behind when it comes to infrastructure. We have 0 rapid transit lines, no universal fare card, poor frequencies on major routes, and many communities today are completely unserved by SMART (Novi, Canton, Rochester etc).Are there certain elements of the plan you dislike, or are you opposed to transit in general?Edit: I'm sorry you're being downvoted. I find it incredibly dumb to punish people who own property to fund transportation for people who cannot dri...